Auto. Dialer TD-110 |
Automatic Telephone Dialer
? Transmits a prerecorded voice message to 4 telephone numbers
? Ordinary or Mobile phone numbers can be programmed into
? Changing stored numbers and Recording voice message are extremely easy relative to traditional dialers
191 Police Monitor |
191 Police Monitoring System
We are the FiIRST security installer in Thailand that have authorized central receiver located at 191 Police Headquarter.
Emergency Report will be sent silently , and directly to notify police officers.
Communication Interface Adapter
? Compatible with these control panels accepting downloading :
Fire Burglary Instruments (FBII)
? Operates on standard 220V, 50 Hz input; and is provided with plug-in 9VAC transformer
? Has separate modular telephone jack to connect a local phone; interface cable provided
? Control , Check status of the system via remote programming Easily